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Haryana, IN

It Services And Consulting

Design & Development

Total Jobs - 1 Active Jobs - 1 Candidates - 0
Angular HTML5 Java

Delhi, IN


Sales & Marketing

Total Jobs - 1 Active Jobs - 1 Candidates - 1
Convincing Ability Counseling and Advising Counseling and Guidance

Delhi, IN

Digital Marketing

Healthcare Management

Total Jobs - 5 Active Jobs - 5 Candidates - 15
Business HR Digital and Social Media Proficiency HR Recruitment

Himachal Pradesh, IN


Fund Investment & Services

Total Jobs - 1 Active Jobs - 1 Candidates - 0
Communication Skills Telecalling Telesales Executive

Uttar Pradesh, IN

Hr Services

Staffing and Recruiting

Total Jobs - 2 Active Jobs - 2 Candidates - 7
Advance Excel ERP MS Office

Uttar Pradesh, IN



Total Jobs - 1 Active Jobs - 1 Candidates - 56
HR HR Human Resources HR Operations

Uttar Pradesh, IN


Sales & Marketing

Total Jobs - 1 Active Jobs - 1 Candidates - 8
B2B Sales Client Handling Client Handling and Communication

Tamil Nadu, IN

Software Development

It Services

Total Jobs - 1 Active Jobs - 1 Candidates - 2
AI Artificial Intelligence AI Strategy B2B Sales

Gujarat, IN



Total Jobs - 1 Active Jobs - 1 Candidates - 0
After-Sales Support Area Sales Area Sales Manager

Uttar Pradesh, IN

It Services And Consulting

It Services

Total Jobs - 1 Active Jobs - 1 Candidates - 3
AWS Compliance Knowledge Compliance Management

Tamil Nadu, IN

Industrial & Consumer Electronics

Manufacturing & Assembly

Total Jobs - 1 Active Jobs - 1 Candidates - 0
Area Sales B2B Marketing B2B Sales

Karnataka, IN

Hr Services

Sales & Marketing

Total Jobs - 3 Active Jobs - 1 Candidates - 40
Advance Excel Advanced Excel Excel

Gujarat, IN

Tourism & Hospitality

Sales & Marketing

Total Jobs - 2 Active Jobs - 1 Candidates - 11
B2B Lead Generation B2B Sales Field Sales

Delhi, IN

Apparel Made-ups & Home Furnishing


Total Jobs - 1 Active Jobs - 1 Candidates - 3
Customer Care Customer Care Executive Customer Care Service

Madhya Pradesh, IN

Business Consulting

Business Process Management

Total Jobs - 1 Active Jobs - 1 Candidates - 5
Cold Calling Telecaller Telecalling

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3-6 Lakhs

4-6 Years

Delhi-New Delhi


Vacancies - 2 Candidates Applied - 8 Viewed - 352
Business Development ManagementCommunication Skills

0-3 Lakhs

Freshers (0-1) Years

Tamil Nadu-Chennai (+1)


Vacancies - 1 Candidates Applied - 2 Viewed - 285
Field SalesSales

3-6 Lakhs

4-6 Years

Delhi-New Delhi


Vacancies - 5 Candidates Applied - 7 Viewed - 361
B2B SalesCRM

6-10 Lakhs

1-3 Years

Tamil Nadu-Chennai (+1)


Vacancies - 1 Candidates Applied - 18 Viewed -
Communication SkillsProduct Management

0-3 Lakhs

4-6 Years



Vacancies - 1 Candidates Applied - 2 Viewed - 376
Communication SkillsNegotiation

3-6 Lakhs

1-3 Years



Vacancies - 1 Candidates Applied - 8 Viewed - 388
Client Relationship BuildingClient Service

3-6 Lakhs

1-3 Years



Vacancies - 35 Candidates Applied - 0 Viewed - 397
Business DevelopmentField Sales

3-6 Lakhs

1-3 Years

Karnataka-Bangalore (+2)


Vacancies - 5 Candidates Applied - 6 Viewed - 436
Communication SkillsCustomer Relation

0-3 Lakhs

Freshers (0-1) Years

Tamil Nadu (+1)


Vacancies - 1 Candidates Applied - 1 Viewed - 465
Communication SkillsCustomer Relation

0-3 Lakhs

Freshers (0-1) Years

Tamil Nadu-Chennai


Vacancies - 1 Candidates Applied - 29 Viewed -
Banking SalesCustomer Relations


1-3 Years

Tamil Nadu-Chennai


Vacancies - 1 Candidates Applied - 6 Viewed -
B2C SalesIT Hardware Sales

0-3 Lakhs

Freshers (0-1) Years

Chhattisgarh-Raipur (+4)


Vacancies - 12 Candidates Applied - 16 Viewed - 461
Communication SkillsField Sales

0-3 Lakhs

Freshers (0-1) Years

Chennai (+3)


Vacancies - 100 Candidates Applied - 8 Viewed - 455
Communication SkillsField Sales

0-3 Lakhs

1-3 Years



Vacancies - 1 Candidates Applied - 1 Viewed - 460
Communication SkillsCustomer Relation

3-6 Lakhs

1-3 Years



Vacancies - 5 Candidates Applied - 1 Viewed - 441
Communication SkillsNegotiation Skills
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