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Uttar Pradesh, IN

Banking & Financial Services

Bfsi Processing

Total Jobs - 1 Active Jobs - 1 Candidates - 0
Field Sales- Banking Loan Sales Sales Officer

Telangana, IN


Healthcare Management

Total Jobs - 1 Active Jobs - 1 Candidates - 1
Business Analysis Business Analyst HR Recruitment

Delhi, IN


Sales & Marketing

Total Jobs - 1 Active Jobs - 1 Candidates - 0
B2C Sales Cold Calling Outbound Sales

Madhya Pradesh, IN

Manpower And Staffing


Total Jobs - 1 Active Jobs - 1 Candidates - 0
Clear Communication Client Coordination Hiring

Gujarat, IN

Manpower And Staffing

Recruiting And Staffing

Total Jobs - 1 Active Jobs - 1 Candidates - 0

Delhi, IN

Hr Services

Staffing And Recruiting

Total Jobs - 1 Active Jobs - 1 Candidates - 95
Compliance Management Employee Engagement Employee Relations

Bihar, IN

Hr Services


Total Jobs - 4 Active Jobs - 4 Candidates - 11
Adaptability and Learning Digital Marketing Active Listening

Chandigarh, IN

Financial Wealth

Fund Investment & Services

Total Jobs - 1 Active Jobs - 1 Candidates - 1
B2B Lead Generation Finance Mutual Fund Sales

Tamil Nadu, IN


It Services

Total Jobs - 1 Active Jobs - 1 Candidates - 22
Apex Client Relationship Client Relationship Management

Karnataka, IN

Tourism & Hospitality


Total Jobs - 2 Active Jobs - 1 Candidates - 2
B2B Sales Banking Insurance Banking Sales

West Bengal, IN

It Services And Consulting,software Development

Technical Service & Repair

Total Jobs - 2 Active Jobs - 1 Candidates - 1
B2B Lead Generation Cold Calling IT Sales

Haryana, IN

Business Consulting

Technology, Information And Internet

Total Jobs - 3 Active Jobs - 3 Candidates - 2
AWS Cloud Formation Laravel PHP

Delhi, IN

Digital Marketing

Sales & Marketing

Total Jobs - 4 Active Jobs - 1 Candidates - 138
Adobe After Effects Adobe Premiere Adobe Premiere Pro

Gujarat, IN

Manpower And Staffing

Recruiting and Staffing

Total Jobs - 4 Active Jobs - 4 Candidates - 4
AWS Azure CI/CD Cloud Monitoring

Uttar Pradesh, IN

Manpower And Staffing


Total Jobs - 1 Active Jobs - 1 Candidates - 1
Academic Advisor Admission Counselling Career Counseling

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3-6 Lakhs

4-6 Years

Maharashtra-Mumbai C..

Social Media

Vacancies - 1 Candidates Applied - 1 Viewed - 414
AnalyticsContent Creation

3-6 Lakhs

4-6 Years

Maharashtra-Mumbai C..

Digital Media Marketing

Vacancies - 1 Candidates Applied - 0 Viewed - 3
Digital Marketing ManagerMarketing Strategy

0-3 Lakhs

Freshers (0-1) Years



Vacancies - 75 Candidates Applied - 32 Viewed - 450

0-3 Lakhs

Freshers (0-1) Years



Vacancies - 200 Candidates Applied - 3 Viewed - 15
Electrical InstallationElectrical Maintenance

0-3 Lakhs

Freshers (0-1) Years


Customer Service

Vacancies - 1 Candidates Applied - 9 Viewed -
Communication SkillsCustomer Service

0-3 Lakhs

Freshers (0-1) Years

Work from Home

Staffing and Recruiting

Vacancies - 100 Candidates Applied - 343 Viewed -
Communication Skills


Freshers (0-1) Years


Recruitment / Staffing / RPO

Vacancies - 2 Candidates Applied - 12 Viewed -

0-3 Lakhs

1-3 Years


Recruitment / Staffing / RPO

Vacancies - 1 Candidates Applied - 9 Viewed -
HiringHuman Resource Management

0-3 Lakhs

Freshers (0-1) Years



Vacancies - 5 Candidates Applied - 34 Viewed -
Communication Skills

0-3 Lakhs

Freshers (0-1) Years

Gujarat-Ahmedabad (+2)

Staffing and Recruiting

Vacancies - 20 Candidates Applied - 35 Viewed -
Cold CallingCommunication Skills


Freshers (0-1) Years

Pan India


Vacancies - 100 Candidates Applied - 286 Viewed -
Communication Skills

0-3 Lakhs

Freshers (0-1) Years


Recruitment / Staffing / RPO

Vacancies - 20 Candidates Applied - 20 Viewed -
Communication SkillsSales

0-3 Lakhs

1-3 Years

Madhya Pradesh-Indor..

Human Resources

Vacancies - 1 Candidates Applied - 19 Viewed -
Human Resource ManagementKnowledge Management

0-3 Lakhs

Freshers (0-1) Years

Tamil Nadu-Chennai


Vacancies - 30 Candidates Applied - 84 Viewed -
Communication SkillsComputer Networks

0-3 Lakhs

Freshers (0-1) Years


Human Resources

Vacancies - 5 Candidates Applied - 77 Viewed -